Monday 21 June 2010

1 run down, only maybe 1000000 to go!

So I came home early today and decided that there was no time like the present - It's been decent weather for once!
After cramming myself into my running bottoms and a t-shirt I embarked on my first run, just a little one to start with, about 1.5 miles, but not too bad a speed. I worked it out at about 6mph on and used about 230 calories. So hopefully tomorrow I can get 2 laps in and double that up. I think if I'm doing 3 miles a day for 4 or 5 days a week I should lose some lbs pretty quick.

Anyway, 'til next time.

Friday 18 June 2010

In the begining...

I've started this blog to track my progress on the way to getting a bit fitter and improving my performance in the sports I love - cycling and rock climbing

Having just got back from a holiday where I was on the beach or in the pool a fair bit, I've realised that my weight has crept upwards. I suppose like everyone else I just put off doing much exercise (read, I am plain lazy) and have continually eaten too much over an extended period of time.

So, in an attempt to get this under control and get myself into shape I've got my running kit sorted out and am devising some sort of circuit training plan to get me started. I'll be recording my progress on here to give me some motivation to make some progress i.e. I'll be embarrassing myself fit!

Anyway, it all has to start somewhere so here I go....

starting weight: 89 kg
body fat: 23%
